Thursday, December 17, 2009

Random Thoughts...

This morning I decided to go for a walk and I took my little dog toto Ozzy too!!

I realized while I was walking that when it's quiet except for the sound of passing cars, but there isn't anyone around talking, I start to just have random thoughts.

These were my random thoughts (in bold) or some things I actually said to my dog as I went for my walk...

"I hope Ozzy doesn't embarrass me"
"Not here boy. There's a car coming."
"Not here either. This is someone's house"

"Startbucks sure is busy"


"Ozzy, that was only a few dribbles. Come on."


"Hey, that's that truck I saw after dropping Noodle off at school."

As a bus passes me quickly, "Geez, that bus is massive and powerful. That would be a mess if I got hit by it." Morbid, I know.


"Come on boy. You only got a couple dribbles out of that. I'm not stopping anymore for the poles."
I say hello to a little boy (maybe 2 or 3 yrs old) who's standing at the end of his driveway saying hello to me. "Where are his parent's????"

There is a guy that visits our neighbor across the street. He drives a tow truck. We think he moved out of his house cause we never see his tow truck there anymore. Well, as I pass his house I see a woman, thinking maybe that is his wife, she's talking with another man.

"Oh yeah, he must have moved out and that is his wife?"

I notice the guy look my way, he says hello and I say hello back. Then I glance at the guy's truck

"Bridgehead Cycles. I see that truck driving home from work. hmm"

"What time is it? Yeah, we better head back home now."


So, do you ever wonder what random thoughts go through your head?

If you don't, do you now? lol

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