Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Journal Idea

Sunday night we were watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

It was about a little boy that needed a bone marrow transplant.

The mom has been trying everything, everyday to fight for her son who was only all of 7 yrs old, yet has endured so much at such a young age.

Well, every night at bedtime, they would write in a journal what they were thankful for.

It got me thinking...


What a great idea!

I am all for praising God for all he has done for me, even through my trials, he has a purpose. We may not always like what may be going on in our lives at the time but he has a bigger plan.

He is trying to mold us into being who we are meant to be. He turns every tragedy into something good. Whether it be to turn a tragedy into something for others to learn about or to open our hearts to something we may otherwise never seen without the tragedy.

I have had my share of heartache in my life yet, I have learned so much because of it.

I am a firm believer in God's greatness and to have Faith and praise him.

With all I have overcome, I still get to live my life enjoying the goodness He gives. For that I am thankful!

Now that we have a daughter who gets to enjoy so many great things, I thought this would be a great exercise to do with her since there are so many things we can and should be thankful for.


So, I plan to go out and buy a couple journals for us so that we can do the same thing!

Hopefully this will become an encouraging thing for our family and maybe, we can share with others to do the same.

I think we, as people, we need to not take things for granted and to look around at the things we may have (big or small) and appreciate it! All of it!


jules said...

What an awesome idea!

Amarie said...

I so agree with you! Wonderful idea! There are so many things I didn't do with my two older kiddos that I now look back on, and know that I want to do with my little one. I want her to be humble, thankful, and respectful of God and nature, and I'm learning that it's through the little things that it can happen. Keep us posted on how it comes along! :-)

KatBouska said...

Such a sweet idea! Love this. :)