We've had this planned for almost a month now but plans were getting changed cause of my fear of the Swine (H1N1) flu and then the weather factor. We were originally just gonna drive down tomorrow and just go on Sunday and then head home after but that would just suck! So I called my boss this evening after work to see if I can have Monday off and work Tuesday instead and to my surprise, he agreed! Since I work part time, he normally wouldn't let me switch a day like that if he didn't need me there. Yes, he's cheap that way.
I'm also excited because mine and my husband's season passes expire on the 9th this month and I was hoping that we would be able to squeeze in just one more trip before they expired cause we're not sure when we'll be able to come back down again. My daughter's season pass doesn't expire until October so we still have some time to renew ours. Just this time, we want to spread out mine and my husband's so we don't have to fork out the cost of 2 all at once.
Anyways, this trip is being made with one of my BFF's and her family. First time we've done a trip like this together so it should be fun for the kids, as well as for me to get to hang out with my friend!
So obviously, I won't be on for a few days. I will however have tons and tons of pictures so I'll be ready to share them all with you when I return! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!

Have a wonderful and relaxing trip!
Have fun!!! :-)
Have a blast! Disney is amazing!
Have a BLAST!! We've been to Disney World 3 times, and I can't wait to go back. It's a big trip for us, though, so takes a lot of preparation and money!!!!!
Can't wait to see the pics!
You may already be back...but looking forward to the pictures! Hope you had a fabulous time!
Thanks for stopping by my Blog.
I'm sure you're having a Big time at Disneyworld now. I'll be watching for the photos when you get back, along with your 200th Post!!
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