Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Like To Remember

Yesterday I wasn't completely out of the woods, per se.

Since Wednesday I had a migraine. Just something I have to deal with in this life. I even went home a couple hours early from work on Friday. I. WAS. MISERABLE!

When I got home, I went straight to bed. Hadn't eaten anything. I hate it when I feel like that cause I feel nauseous, can't think, sure in the heck don't want to drive the 45 min home, in traffic. I probably shouldn't have gone in in the first place but I need the money. It was the boss that sent me home though. I was working, getting stuff done. At a slow pace, I might add though.

When I get these migraines, I get these continuous thoughts in my head. Thinking about when I was just feeling good a few days earlier. Thinking about when I might feel better again and the relief I will feel.

I think about when I'm enjoying taking my daughter's picture when she is being silly...

Or when my husband was skipping rocks...

Or when we were all being complete ding dongs on the smallest metal swing set I've ever seen...

Or when my daughter was having fun climbing the jungle gym...

Or remembering when my daughter and I were making our own candles at a quaint little place in Columbia State Park, having a good time!

Then the day comes when my head clears, I can enjoy my days again......just as I had remembered.


Denise said...

OMG! Did you take that sunset picture???? BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering - have you tried chiropractic from your migraines? When I get them to where they DON'T go away - I have to go in for an adjustment. I actually go to one in Antioch.

I am a HUGE wuss and don't let them manually adjust it but request what is called an activator to adjust it. Doesn't hurt and the relief either comes instantly...later that day - or the next day (depending how bad it was). But then I am healed for a while.

MAY be something you might want to look into.

Glad you are feeling better. LOVED this post!

Amarie said...

I'm sorry you suffer so, Kimmy :-(. My Mom suffers with nad migraines, and my oldest daughter and myself getnthem pretty bad, as well. At times, they make me simply sick to my stomache. I hope this is a better week for you. (((hugs))).

Nikki B. said...

i know that feeling so well...i'm sorry! great pics...S is such a lucky girl!