Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Reno Wedding...

In Pictures...

Oh, and apparently I got her stockings all wrong. I guess I must have gotten my idea of ripped up stockings from my constant listening to Keisha's song too much!

The wedding went fine. The softy that I am, I have decided to give them pictures anyways, even though she still hasn't asked. I just hope that everything goes good for my BIL. I just hope it all works out and things get better.

We'll see....

Oh, something I just couldn't resist not sharing with you all. Sunday night after we got home from Reno, I was on the phone with my brother and my daughter comes in and writes a note to me "Caressa (new SIL) is in the newspaper". Thinking to myself, "what did she do to end up in the paper". After the call, I came out and asked "Why is Caressa in the newspaper?" My daughter hands it to me...

Enough said! lol


Sweet Tea said...

"To each their own".
That's all I got. LOL

Amarie said...

Yeeeeah, ooookkkkk lol! Interesting to say the least lol. All the best to your BIL!