Tuesday, January 10, 2012


He's the newest doggie sensation!

Okay, so maybe not but I'm sure going to see how far I can take this!!


Cause I have nothing better to do and well, cause that's what my daughter wants to do.

Humor me here.

You see, it all started with that cute little dog, Boo.

As soon as my daughter saw that he had a Facebook page, she wanted me to make our dog, Ozzy one. I kept telling here "no" or "not now" or even "maybe later", just trying to buy myself time. Hoping that maybe, just MAYBE she would forget.....but noooo. She kept buggin'.

So what happened yesterday?

That's right....I gave in. I caved!

Does this look like the face of a sucker?

Yeah, I thought so!

So, let's see how far we can take this!

You guys with me???

Let's see if we can make my Ozzy-boy as popular as little Boo and maybe even get his very own book deal!

Just go here and "Like" his fan page!

I'm counting on you guys!!!!


Sweet Tea said...

I did it!
Ozzy is a cute in his cool glasses and I am pleased to 'like' him!

Amarie said...

I'm gonna go like Ozzy's page asap! :D