Sunday, January 15, 2012

This Sunday....

Has been very uneventful.

We went to breakfast to a new place.

New to us, that is.

I took a nap.

Still haven't taken a shower...and at this point, considering it's 6:18pm, I don't plan on it until tomorrow morning.

My husband started putting together a marble toy that my MIL got for our daughter.

3 hours later, my husband is finished.

Personally, I think some people have evil intentions.

Oh yeah, and last night, our heater went on the fritz yet again!!

My daughter and I have been snuggling in bed {watching the Golden Globes} with a bunch of blankets AND our jackets on.

Yeah, you can say.....we're freezing!!!!!

May this week get warmer!!

1 comment:

Akum said...

sounds like a fun way to spend a day!
Skipping showers! That's another plus point about winters