Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. These are the stories of my life!
So, the rules for this award are, as follows:
1) Admit that ONE thing you feel awful about involving being a mom. Get it off your shoulders. Once you've written it down, you are NO LONGER allowed to feel bad. It's over with, it's in the past. Remember, you're a good mom!
2)To remind yourself that you ARE a good mom, list SEVEN things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you. These are the things to remind yourself of EVERY DAY that you rock!
3)Send this to FIVE other Moms of the Year that deserve forgiveness and a reminder that they, too, are the best moms they can be!!! Remember to send them a note to let them know you've selected them, and add a link to the person who nominated you!"
So, my first things first......what I feel awful about since being a mom is that I have no patience. I get mad and annoyed easily and I don't like that about myself. I also don't like playing Barbie's and my daughter likes to play them all the time. I used to love playing them but now I just don't see the fun in it anymore. I did play Littlest Pet Shops with her yesterday but I was also watching the clock too. 20 minutes went by and I was all "Okay, I'm done. I have to do the dishes." She was happy with those 20 minutes, at least.
Now for the 7 things I love about my baby girl! This should be easy!
1. I love hanging out with her. Going to lunch, shopping, to the movies or getting frozen yogurt. She is such great company!
2. I love the unconditional love she gives me. I can get mad at her and not more then a few minutes later she be all lovey dovey with me. All the hugs and kisses!!
3. I love our snuggles at night before she goes to bed. She also plays with my hair to help her relax..lol!
4. I love that she is a Mama's girl!!!! She is my shadow. I was my mom's shadow and I always hoped to have one too!!
5. I love that she is a well mannered little girl. Sure, she's six and she has her moments but overall, I very proud of her!
6. I love that my baby will pick one of my parent's flowers in their yard without asking (whoops!) just to give to me. :o)
7. I love that I get to volunteer at my daughter's school each week. She enjoys me being there, as do the other kids.
Okay, and now onto 5 other Mom's who rock!!
1. Denise at Laughing with Spoons
2. Perfect Pen
3. Francesca at 3 Bay B Chicks
4. A Thorn Among Roses
5. Trina at Trina's Place to Blog
My baby showing me a pine cone from our back yard.
My Ozzy boy giving a little stretch. Yes, I know.....he should be in his kennel. Just don't tell the vet! I had to let him out and have some sunshine while it last.
Aww, yes....a garden ornament with some lovely greenery! Oh wait, that's right, most of that greenery are weeds! Pine needles too. It almost looks like this was taken in the woods, huh?! No, I live in a regular neighborhood. I just have that stupid pine tree that we are hoping to cut down one day. Too messy and has created a tiff between us and our neighbors since we moved in. That's for another day and another post.
My cutie and Ozzy-boy! I love this one.....super cute!
They're both cooperating!
And lastly.......the infamous alarm clock that woke me up at midnight!
Okay, now it's your turn! If you already did yours, enter your name below in Mr. Linky so everyone can stop by and see what you have to share. Thanks for joining!!!!
Since I just got home from the Sharks game and it's 11:49pm and I have to get up in 7 hours for work (yes, I require lots and lots of sleep in order to function and 7 hours just doesn't cut it!!) and because I'm extremely tired right now, I'm going to make this a quickie.
This picture I just love. Both my hubby and daughter were laying on our bed and I thought this was too cute with the two of them looking the same. My two favorite people!!!
I did my regular morning stuff such as taking a shower, got the little one ready for school, made breakfast and all this while trying to get myself ready for work. I ended up out the door later than anticipated, worried I would be late for work cause what else is new with me.
I forgot to take a picture as soon as I got into my car. I remembered just as I was at the light coming out of my neighborhood. Yes, it's was 8:27am. I was to be at work at 9am. My drive usually takes me, depending on traffic, minimun 40 min. Good thing I like to drive the new 70mph (80mph!) Maybe, just maybe, I'll be on time today!
Fortunately for me, traffic was on my side today! Wheee....I love when it's like this! Here in California, this is so not the norm. You'll see what I mean later.
Alright, 25 minutes later I exit the freeway to make my way to my job. You can see the cluster of buildings that I work at in the middle left of the picture out in the distance.
Yep, there's the cluster of building much closer now.
Finally I make it to the parking garage to hide out for the majority of the day.
Oh, and I have to report, I was 1 minute early!!
And this would be my desk. The place I sat for the next 7 1/2 hours doing tax and accounting stuff. Finally, I got off work. A tad bit later than usual. Normally I get out of there at 4:30 but not today.
So, there you have it....My Typical Work Day! Now I'm just relaxing, waiting for my hubby to get home while the little one is in bed. Oh, he's home! I hear the garage door open. I'll go for now.