This is what we saw...
The first time I saw it, my husband and I cracked up! It was the funniest thing!
Not to mention, that's when I said to my husband, "I'm gonna do that with Ozzy and blog about it!"
Well my friends, I did! So here you go...
Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. These are the stories of my life!
The first time I saw it, my husband and I cracked up! It was the funniest thing!
Not to mention, that's when I said to my husband, "I'm gonna do that with Ozzy and blog about it!"
Well my friends, I did! So here you go...
I've chosen this one because my dog, Ozzy has been driving me up the wall lately. You see, he sleeps in our bed with us. He loves to be under the covers too. My husband has the fan on at night and it seems to make Ozzy cold so he gets under the covers. Normally he sleeps at the foot of the bed, under the covers but lately I have been waking up to him right next to me. I don't know what it is but when he does that, I wake up with my back hurting cause he puts his weight into my back. Grant it, he's not a big dog. He's an 11 lb Miniature Pinscher but having that 11 lbs leaning into my back for a period of time before I realize it doesn't feel good.
When I wake up, I try and get him to go to the foot of the bed but he'll just move a foot and I have to keep pushing him down. Then he ends up in my leg space. ANNOYING! I know your all "don't have him sleep in your bed then" but that's just mean, I think. Remember, I'm an animal lover and he doesn't have a full coat so he needs his blankies. lol! :D
Another thing is, when he does get on the bed, we'll be watching tv and he'll just stand there in our way and my husband and I start yelling at him to lay down and he'll just stare at us like "HUH?" or he walk around in circles just to find that right spot, meanwhile we just missed a crucial part of TMZ. (LOL!) Good thing for the DVR, so we can rewind it.
Also, when we are eating something, he'll come right up to our face and sniff our mouths. I'm all "Dude, get out of my face!"
It's funny just thinking about it now but at the time it's annoying.
He is a great dog though! I can't just leave this post with all negative. He does provide us with some funny moments. For instance, you know those big balls that you can get at the grocery stores. The ones that are almost the size of the workout balls. I think they're about 1.5 ft to 2 ft in diameter. Anyways, we have two of those and he simply LOVES the things. He start jumping on it, the side of it that is. It looks like he is trying to jump over it but he can't cause it's bigger than him. We'll tell him "Get the ball" and he'll go attack it and it's the funniest thing ever. We've tried video taping it but it always comes out dark but one day we'll get it and send it into America's Funniest Videos.
Um, comment! (LOL!!)
It's also fun to dress him up in old ripped up socks.
Anyways, while I was gone, my husband shared how much he was bored. Awww...I feel missed! :o) We talked frequently on the phone. On Saturday he shared how he posted his own blog post on here. LOL....too funny! I actually was thrilled that he jumped on and participated. Funny thing was, when I would talk to him on the phone, he would be checking to see if he got any comments on his post. I was all "See, you're addicted now!! LOL" He denied it, of course. I told him that you guys probably got a kick out of him posting that blog post and that he should do it more often. He said depending on how many comments he got, he would maybe. It was like he kind of had fun doing it!! lol Cute!!
I'll be posting pictures of my trip soon. I already miss it! Hopefully we'll be able to go next month, just the three of us this time. Less drama! ;O)
Well, my precious cutie pie had been dealing with losing her two top front teeth. She lost the one on our way to Vegas a couple months ago but the other one was a feisty little bugger. It just refused to come out. Meanwhile, cutie pie kept playing with it with her tongue over the days, weeks and it starting to shift and turn a little sideways and I kept telling her "It needs to come out sweety!" My husband even tried a couple times with no luck. I'm telling you, that thing was not budging. Even with how lose it was, it refused to budge.
Every time I would look at my beautiful daughter, I kept thinking of those hillbilly teeth too. See for yourself...
Change is good!! ;o)
I turned and looked at the guy, who by the way looked old enough to be my dad (gross!), and gave him the wide-eyed look that says "Ummm, okaaaaay. Please quit staring at me, buddy!". He had that cheesy grin on his face like he thought he was expecting me to say "Hi Big Boy!" Ewww! I don't think so! First of all, I'M MARRIED!!!!! Second of all, Ewwww!!!!
Why do men, and older ones at that, have to be so creepy??
I am really having issues with people today. I almost feel like I have a sign posted on my car that reads "Go ahead, make my day!" You know, the saying that good ol' Clint Eastwood would always say in his Dirty Harry movies?! Honestly, I'm feeling like Dirty Harry right now too.
Here's why.....
First, I was headed to my girlfriend's house for a visit. As I was driving, I was behind this old woman (with her handicap license plate) and her lady friend who looked like she could be her daughter. Maybe she was but that's irrelevant. Sorry, I'm irritated right now. Bare with me here. Anyways, we are sitting at a light and it turns green. She starts to go and she's going 30 mph. We're in a 40 mph zone. I go to pass her and what does she do?? Floors it! So what do I do? I floor it too just to pass this broad! As I'm passing them, the passenger lady has her arm rested on the window sill, which is fine but she was flipping me off!!! Are you kidding me???? Because I wanted to pass this woman because she was going too slow, slower than the speed limit, she has to floor it to avoid me passing her and not even that, I get the finger???
Once she caught up to me at the next red light, I rolled my window down to have a word with her but by the time she was coming to a stop, the light turned green so she gunned it. Probably afraid of what I might say to her. That's right lady, RUN!
Second, I was pulling into a parking lot to go to the bank and this old couple (what is it with the older folks today??!!) pulls right out in front of me WITHOUT looking and nearly hit me. I had to honk but they apparently didn't hear me or choose not to.
Okay, I tend to have a heart for older folks. I was taught to have respect for my elders but I have to draw the line somewhere. When I don't get the respect I fairly deserve, my temper flares. But I just feel that because I'm part of the younger generation, they (meaning the older folks) assume I'm like these ungrateful, snotty-nosed brats out there. Well, I'm not. I may be younger but I'm NOT part of this new younger generation and I DO NOT want to me mistaken for it either. *sigh*
Third (and lastly), while at the bank, the customer service there is normally good but I noticed there are new people there and they surely are lacking!! No "hello", no smiles, not even a "kiss my rear". (Okay, they're lucky they didn't say that, otherwise there would be a number four to this list! Nothing! I used to be in customer service when I was younger and I expect the same level of service from these kids today but they just don't care and all they care about is their stupid cell phones and texting and when their next break is. It's horrible and I'm sick of it!
I guess I should look on the bright side. Tomorrow is Friday!!
I just wanted to update you guys. I know I just posted this post not long ago but I have officially joined Twitter. I thought I would give it a chance and hopefully it won't take up the remaining time I have left in a!
Anyways....if you are on Twitter, come follow me if you like.
I'm wondering if I'm the only one that has not actually joined the world of Twitter.
OMG.....I know....I don't twitter!
What? You ask why?
I'm being rebellious against all you twittering tweeters, that's why!
Hooooooweeeeeveer......I am finding myself a little intrigued. A bit curious. Almost feeling a since of confusion at the same time though.