Sunday, December 5, 2010

25 Days of Christmas: Day 5

Holiday Traditions!

I just love holiday traditions! In fact, we have a couple of them here in our house. In fact, one of them I'm sure a lot of people out there have.

On Christmas Eve, just like when I was a little girl, we let my daughter open up one gift. Oh, and how excited she gets to pick and choose the one!

Then there are the Christmas chocolate calendars. I remember as a kid getting these each year. It was always great fun, first thing in the morning when I woke, just before I went to school, I would go to my calendar and open that days treat. I always loved it! My mom now gets those calendars for my daughter.

And lastly, same as with Easter and Thanksgiving, the three of us will get up and go out to breakfast. It's always a special time and we look forward to it too! Lately we've been going out to breakfast more and thought that since we have been going so frequent, that it would ruin our annual tradition and not be so special. However, when the time actually came, it just felt different. Much more special! Since my husband and I started this tradition long before our daughter was born, we thought that this would be a wonderful thing to continue through into as a family. So glad we did!

What are some of your family traditions?

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