Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Cows.....

....come from California??!!

Okay, honestly, I don't know if these commercials reach other states or if it's just a California thing. You guys out here in bloggyland will have to let me know this. I know there are those of you who know what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't, we have commercials with talking cows, happy cows! (LOL!) And according to these commercials, they all come from California. Personally, I totally LOVE these commercials. They are cute, witty and funny. I don't normally like watching commercials but anytime these are on, I stop to watch. I enjoy seeing the new ones that come out too. Like the anticipated new releases at the theatres. However, being from California and the whole "Happy cows come from California" thing, I beg to differ. This is why....

I live in between the city, suburbs and then farmland. My town is actually kind of farmy. However, I live less than 5 minutes from a regular suburb. If you go farther out east or north, you will really get into the heart of the farmland out here. When I drive through some of this farmland, I come across some pretty stinky areas. Areas in which I have to roll my window up to avoid the total stench of the smell. That "stench" I speak of is none other than manure. Sorry people but I have to be honest here. That manure comes from these so-called "Happy Cows". Only thing is, these poor cows are not living the Californian dream. They're all crammed together in a smelly, muddy, poopy farm place that is not green and lustrious that these commercials portray them to be living in. Poor cows!! I think they're super cute too!! :D (I'm an animal lover, obviously!!)

Anyways, enough of that....onto the commercial. I know those of you who haven't seen them are just wondering what it's all about now. HUH?! LOL! Hold your britches.

So without further adu, here is one segment of the "Happy Cows come from California" commercial. There's more where that came from too. Oh yeah, and don't forget to go vote at here.

Did you see her ears go back??!!! LOL!!!! The first time I saw this one I had to keep playing it back to watch her ears. My husband and daughter were even laughing!! Too cute!!! LOVE IT!!


Cupcake Dessert said...

they show those commericals here in the south too. i think they are very cute..if a little odd lol

Nikki B. said...

i LOVE those commercials, too. they even play them in texas!!

but, now i'm kinda sad that they really aren't living in lush green pastures with an acre of land per cow!!

poor cows...they get no respect!!

Leslie said...

Stopping by from BSU to say hello. I'm in CA so yes I see these all the time. Very funny! I guess the commercials are getting around...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Amarie said...

We get those "happy cow" commercials here in New York, too - too funny! I