Monday, May 17, 2010

Positive Experiences

On Saturday I had the Arts & Crafts fair. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. My SIL was the one that signed me up for it and so I just got my stuff together. She told me the time, the date and where it was. That's all I knew and basically, it was all really vague, the information I got.

Once we got there, I saw that there were only a handful of booths. Besides that, there was jumpy fun and little race cars, music and a car show. It was really small. It was just mostly the hospital staff that was putting it together for a fundraiser. Again, something I was totally unaware of. So, the few booths there, was just a small snippet of what was there. I feel this just wasn't the right event for me....but that's okay. I still enjoyed myself!

I didn't sell anything and that's okay also. Honestly, from what I saw, I don't think many others sold anything either....except the lady that was next to me selling her candle stuff.

To be honest though, I actually left feeling pretty good because I got so much positive feed back from people on my photos that I started to feel confident about actually attending a "real" arts & crafts fair. I needed that confidence boost.

Sure, my family and friends all told me that my photos are beautiful but then again, the people that audition for American Idol are told they sing great. So, it's nice to get that outside feedback.

The people that came by really thought my pictures were beautiful. The frames I had them in was also a nice touch and made the pictures look even better. Funny thing was, there was another photographer selling her pictures and when she came over, my husband got the feeling she felt competition. I take that as a compliment but I'm not competitive at all. She was however, trying to get some information from me about my photos. At first, I thought she was just someone looking and was interested. She was but she had a motive also. She had kind words and loved my photos and frames but again, I take it as a compliment!

Anyways, one of the highlights of the evening was, we saw and got our picture taken with the traffic guy, Sal Castaneda from our local news channel that we watch everyday. A local celebrity!!

So, I have taken this as a positive experience and look forward to being able to attend other events. I feel that since I live near wine country, that arts & wine festivals would be the perfect type of event for me. Also, my husband thought about attending next year's State Fair here in California but that is a costly event, so it's definitely something we need to think about. Plus, the extra time will allow me to slowly get stuff that I can use for my booths.

Yah for new experiences!!!


Lizzie said...

Sounds like fun and a learning experience. :) I traded most of my stuff for presents from other booths at my first craft fair. It was fun though.

Stopped by from SITS!

Mayet said...

hi stopping by from SITs

I think it was a good experience. going out there and hearing compliments from people is really encouraging to go on and try again.