Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weekly Assignment: Family Traditions

Once again, I'm participating in Mama Kat's weekly assignment. Check her blog out here to play along.

Here are this weeks prompts:

1.) Write or share a letter to Santa.

2.) Describe a favorite Winter memory.

3.) Last night it snowed buckets and you are forced to spend the entire day at home with your family...what's the plan!?!

4.) What's the best gift you've ever gotten/given.

5.) Describe a Christmas tradition that you have started with your own family?

OK, this week I choose to do both #1 and #5.

I've already done #1 earlier this month, so check out my Santa letter here.

Now, for a Christmas tradition that I've started with my own family.......

When my husband and I got together 9-11-93 (what a significant date that turned out to be), it was just in time for the Christmas holiday season. We loved being together all the time since our relationship was so new (I still love always being around him until he pisses me off of course :D). Always being together, we thought we would go to breakfast Christmas morning. Something different. It was such a nice time too! We never eat a traditional breakfast like that and thought that the next year we would have breakfast Christmas morning again. Ever since then, we've turned this into a annual thing for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We may have missed one or two due to being sick but it has become a annual tradition for these three holidays.

Now, fast forward to the year 2002. We had our daughter and since "tradition" is something we both love to have in our lives and family, we wanted to share this with her also! Now, it has become a anticipated event for her also. It's something we talk about weeks before. We'll even ask each other "Are you ready for breakfast?" Also, I'm sure you can imagine how excited she gets as she loves to order her usual pancakes that all the places we go to makes them into a "Mickey" face with whipped cream and a cherry on top! MMMM...yummy! :o)

Merry Christmas everyone! Go make your family traditions a special one!!


The Wife O Riley said...

Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. Please accept the awards on the next post.

Your blog is wonderful and I will definitely be back. I added you to my blog roll.

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Kristen said...

That is a nice tradition. DH and I have started to run on Christmas morning after we open presents. This sounds wierd but I host Christmas lunch for my family and running helps me to clear my head and get ready for the days cooking and I've said before it also helps me to eat more without feeling guilty

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful tradition and I know your daughter will remember that very fondly. She'll probably carry that on with her own kids too!

Merry Christmas!

Michelle said...

That is a fun tradition!